Happy 4th Birthday to My Daughter Letter

Wow, how far we have come! So here’s a Happy 4th Birthday to My Daughter Letter. From an 8lb 4oz 21.5 inch newborn that was overly comfortable in the womb to the now FOUR year old girl. My little Ella, how wonderful you are. So sweet, caring, the best big sister, a great helper, lover of the outdoors and lover of animals. Such a smart, kind girl. She loves her vegetables, especially from our garden. She loves the beach, her friends and her brother. And she loves going to school to see her teachers and classmates. I could not have imagined a better daughter than Ella. We aren’t always perfect. There have been tears, from her and I, and sometimes at the same time. But we always forgive and we hug it out. It has been amazing to watch her grow since day one. She crawled her own way, quickly decided to walk instead at 9 months and she’s been running ever since.

It has been the most amazing thing watching her love her brother so much.

The big girl she has become is amazing.


Ella still has such an amazing memory of things from playdates to teaching moments at home. Her favorite food is still pizza, but now it’s also General Tsao’s Chicken! Her hair is still long, but she now gets “trims” so we can keep her hair out of her mouth and out of her food. Playing outside all day is still her most favorite thing in the world, aside from playing with Mom and Dad of course. And now she has tons of favorite movies that vary from week to week. We have finally exited the Moana-only era of her life!

It’s still crazy to see how much she changes from month to month! Happy 4th Birthday to My Daughter Letter! 

It’s not I notice day to day but as I look back on the photos and videos I’ve take of her, I can see her change and grow. But I always see her beautiful green-grey eyes sparkle just like the day she was born. I hope she always keeps the sparkle in her eye and her eagerness to learn.


At 4 my daughter has more emotions, more questions, more attitude and her listening skills have diminished.

But I assume that is just post of her age and her learning. She is learning her emotions and how to express and handle them. She is learning to share and play with her brother. She continuously learns right from wrong regarding many things through us, movies, watching others, school and her friends behaviors. I utilize every teaching moment I can.

I absolutely love the amazing, calm child she is.

Although we do have some tantrums, I could not ask for a better-behaved daughter. Her poise is amazing for her age; graceful, elegant, perfect. 


From the short amount of time she goes to school, she has learned so much – she can singer her ABC’s along with plenty of other songs, write her first name and some of her last name, she can sound out most of the letters in the alphabet, knows all her colors and most of her shapes. She is learning words that rhyme and knows some months of the year and days of the week. Her school is absolutely amazing (if you’re in Strongsville and need a 3- & 4-year-old school recommendation, message me). cleveland family photographer


Mommy, Daddy & Carson love you so much, Baby Girl. I hope your birthday is as perfect as you are.


Having children is watching your heart walk around outside of your body.


I hope you enjoyed my Happy 4th Birthday to My Daughter Letter!

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