So of course I wrote A Letter To My Daughter: Happy 2nd Birthday!… I still can’t believe it. Where does the time go? Yesterday she was a squishy little newborn just sleeping and eating! As she sits here now next to me singing along to “wheels on the bus” while eating orange slices and drinking water all by herself…
When she was learning to roll over, when she was angry while trying to learn how to crawl because she couldn’t use her arms well yet and I remember her standing and wanting to walk so bad. Now she’s running, talking, eating like she’s never eaten before and still breastfeeding some (#NormalizeBreastfeeding)!
She is repeating everything that we say. She has started counting to three and telling me some colors. She will tell you exactly what she wants or if she needs help. She tells you when she wants to walk, eat, watch “deer” (Frozen) or Moana or when she wants a nap. She wants to touch everything still and help Mom and Dad.
She’s still the happiest baby I’ve ever met and still is just as in love being outdoors as she was when she was little. She is growing up literally in the blink of an eye. Crazy how accurate that saying is.
I’m still sad that I have had to cancel her birthday party this year, but I have accepted it. I think the worst thing about it was having her grandma and grandpa cancel their trip here. That broke my heart, and if Ella was old enough to understand, I have no doubt it would have broken hers too. We are still getting her a cake; my parents sent her a gift that we opened during a FaceTime, and we bought her a couple gifts ourselves. She would have enjoyed a whole day with all of her family more though. On a positive note, she won’t know the difference!
Looking through over 9,000 images on my phone that I’ve taken in 2+ years (whoops), it’s crazy to see how much she has changed and how much she has grown. It makes you realize just how important every moment is with them and, as a stay-at-home mother, makes you value each second more than you did before. They are moments to hold in your memory because no two days are the same with a toddler.
This far, my daughter has been fairly calm with the rare tantrum, usually when she’s overly tired and has had enough. Some days are harder than others, but I wouldn’t have it any other way, as long as I’m here to care for my baby. She will always be my baby, no matter how old she gets or how tall she grows. I treasure every hug, every cuddle as she falls asleep, every kiss and every “momma” from her. Some days I don’t get any, some days I get too many, but I am thankful for each and every one of them.
These past two years have been magical.
You have become such a mini adult and we are always so proud of you! Even when you don’t listen and run through the neighbor’s lawn.
I love hearing your little voice. These last two months your language has exploded, and it is amazing. There is nothing quite like watching you put together pieces of the world around you. You love dancing and being outside any chance you get. You request to watch “Funny Babies” and “Baby Shark” multiple times a day. You love ice cream with dad and vegetables with mom. You love all the animals you see, even the birds, which you tell us go “tweet tweet.” I love that you love animals so much and I hope that love and kindness stay with you forever, along with your love for the outdoors and adventure.
I think you’re more decisive than your father and I put together! I could go on about all the amazing things about you, all in a tiny human, but I will end this by saying that I am so thankful and blessed to be your mother. I can’t wait to see all the things you learn and the smiles you bring around you the next year! We love you so much.
A Letter To My Daughter: Happy 2nd Birthday! My little monkey. WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH!
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Best Playgrounds in Northeast Ohio
Best Places for Ice Cream in Northeast Ohio
Happy 4th Birthday to My Daughter
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